starbyter Info zone

Please use the buttons above to navigate, and below for more information.



By commissioning me, you agree to the following:

  • That you are of 18 years of age; if you are under 18 and you would like to commission a piece from me, please have your guardian(s) contact me

  • That unless specified otherwise, I may post the finished piece on my social media. If you would like me to hold off on posting until after a certain date, please mention so before the commission is started

  • I may use your commission as example work, unless otherwise discussed

  • I have the right to refuse a commission at any time, for any reason. Any commissions cancelled by myself will result in either a full or partial refund (depending on point of cancellation)

  • If you require a full refund, you must request so before the commission is started. Otherwise only a partial refund will be given. No refunds will be given after completion of commission.

  • That you have a reliable way of communicating with me via the following: Email, Bsky DMs, Instagram Dms, or Discord*

  • *Please if discord is your chosen method of communication, don't abuse it; it's intended for ease of communication on your commission, not an invitation for you to try and befriend me. I don't mind making friends with people whom comm me, I just would rather do that not through my DMs

  • That I am a disabled individual, and my work flow is unfortunately unsteady. Due to disability, and stresses caused by that and lack of daily resources, my work flow can change at any time. I will always do my best to communicate with you on these matters

Payment & Additional fees

  • All prices are in USD, and transaction is by PP invoice, or ko-fi forms where applicable

  • Payment will need to be given upfront before the commission will be started. If you need payment plans, that can be discussed

  • All of the prices that you see listed are base prices, which means that it is a minimum you will be expected to pay. The complexity of your design will determine the price, the more complex the higher the price

  • I charge an extra fee for references given with no visual aid, what you’re asking for will determine the price

  • Small items in the drawing, such as hand held items, are not subject to extra fees; however complicated/detailed designs, animals, complex clothing, and larger items will likely increase the price of your commission

  • Any changes that are requested after completion, that are not correcting any mistakes I may have made, will be subject to extra fees. The commission is however subject to free edits before completion!

  • Additional characters are 10% off

  • NSFW have a 25% fee increase (rounded up to the nearest dollar)

  • There is a 10% processing fee


  • You may not make a profit off of the commission; you may use my work to create prints, buttons, etc. that are for your personal use and distribution. However, if you are looking for a commission for commercial use, that can definitely be discussed!

  • You will receive a full resolution copy of your finished commission upon completion

  • You may post to any social media as long as credit is provided

  • I will not make any profit off of the piece you commission OR your character, unless given permission; it's yours alone

  • As stated previously, I reserve the right to post the completed commission on my own social media unless previously discussed.

  • You may NOT use my work, whether commissioned by yourself or not, in any way, shape or form, that involves NFTs or AI image generation

  • You may NOT use work that I have done that others have paid for, unless you have their explicit permission. This goes for personal and commercial use

  • You may not use any of my artwork that you have not paid for, period, for commercial use without my permission


Commission Status: closed

Here there be examples!
Please be sure to read the Terms Of Service before commissioning.
The prices shown are base prices.
Prices are subject to change.
Don't see an example for what you're looking for? Message me about it and we'll work out a price!
WARNING: Some examples may contain suggestive content or nudityTo see examples of my NSFW art, visit my alt socials: Twitter | Bsky__For YCHs, either visit my ko-fi, or keep your eyes peeled on my socials.


Will Draw:
-Gore (to an extent, feel free to ask)
-Humans + humanoids
-Couples + polycules
-Drug use
Won't draw:
-NSFW of minors
-NSFW of aged up characters (does not apply if they have a canon adult design)
-Ships of minors + adults
-Art promoting hate speech or hate crimes



$45+ lines | $50+ flats
$55+ | $60+ flats
Full Body
$65+ lines | $70+ flats
10% off for each extra character
+25% for NSFW
Items + objects are extra

bust / headshot

$60+ Lines | $75+ Flats | $90+ ShadedA head or shoulders up illustration. Background can be: transparent, solid, simple pattern. For something slightly more complex (ex: a more intricate pattern or other background objects), prices will increase.10% off for each extra character
+25% for NSFW
Items + objects are extra


$70+ Lines | $85+ Flats | $95+ ShadedHips and up illustration. Background can be: transparent, solid, simple pattern. For something slightly more complex (ex: a more intricate pattern or other background objects), prices will increase.10% off for each extra character
+25% for NSFW
Items + objects are extra

full body

$90+ Lines | $115+ Flats | $140+ Shaded75% and up or completely full body illustration. Background can be: transparent, solid, simple pattern. For something slightly more complex (ex: a more intricate pattern or other background objects), prices will increase.10% off for each extra character
+25% for NSFW
Items + objects are extra



$40+ flats
$50+ shading
Complex designs are subject to extra


$50+ flats
$60+ shading
Complex designs are subject to extra

Reference Sheets


Starting at $160
Price gets you: front + back view (tail can be attached or detachedfor full unobstructed design view), 1 feature closeup, colour palette, name + basic info
Add ons (price per item, can have multiple of each)
Headshot: $30+
Feature closeup (ex. eyes, piercings): $20+
Clothed view: $35+ (not an alt view, just a clothing add-on)
Outfit chibi: $45+
Info panel: $20+
Colour alt: $50+
NSFW alt (altering the existing views): $15+
NSFW closeup (genitalia/breasts/etc): $35+
Items: $25+
These are starting prices, they aren't a guaruntee of how much your commission is going to cost. More complex designs are subject to extra.


Matt/Roswell | 27 | Queer | he/him | Disabled | CanadianHi there! I'm a self taught artist who loves creating and immersing myself in fiction. I'm all about LGBT+ narratives, and all my planned works revolve around the community in some fashion. I've got a massive sweet tooth, and I'm way into True Crime and Horror.
You can find my socials below.
Main Revolving Interests: Space/Aliens, Star Trek, Dogs, Cryptids, The Occult and Paranormal, Oddities


You can reach me for commission requests via email me at [email protected], or messaging me on ko-fi or discord under Starbyter; if messaging me on Discord, please start off your message with the indicator that you’re looking to commission me. This isn’t and invitation to 24/7, please keep messaging relevant to the commission.Please include the following in your email:Your name/handle/etc
Commission type:
Extras: (anything that will add cost, like additional characters or items)
Character Reference(s): (Please include either images or direct links)
Specifics: (you can be more or less vague, it's okay if you don't know exactly what you want, we can figure that out together! Or you can just put "artistic license" if you want a surprise.)